Saturday, May 3, 2008


Black beans are often used in mexican food. I use them in all kind of recipes, from chili to dips. This is a innovative wrap I have created when I was very low on money and also very busy, so I had to eat a lot of wraps and be creative! It turned out to be really delicious and cheap too.

Ranch Black Beans wraps

1) 1 can of cooked black beans
2) 1 can of cooked sliced beets
3) 3/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
4) 4 whole wheat tortillas
5) 1/2 cup alfalfa sprouts
6) organic Ranch salad dressing (to avoid nasty preservatives and unknown ingredients!)
7) salt and pepper to taste
8) 1/2 cup hot marinated banana peppers rings (chopped)
9) margarine or butter

Rinse the beans in a colander until completly free of gooey liquid (Really important).

Cut the beets in little dice.

In a bowl, mix beans, beets, feta and banana peppers.

Put mix on tortillas and top with sprouts, creamy Ranch dressing, salt and pepper.

Wrap it all up and spread a bit of margarine or butter on both sides of wrap.

Cook in a panini toaster until the mixture inside gets warm/hot.

If you don't have one, try this handy trick:
put wrap in a normal frying pan on low fire and put a plate on top of the wrap to keep it flat. Put a heavy unopened can on top of plate to make it heavier. Turn around in mid cooking. Careful as plate on top can be hot.


1 comment:

setyoufree said...

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